Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Very Enthusiastic Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets!

-------- MAGNIFICENT SEQUEL TO "priyankaissoawesomeeverybodyworshipsher is a word"--------

This was the very first mnemonic i learnt, to those of you who haven't heard of it, this ones to remember the arrangement of the Nine planets in our Solar system (closest to the sun n outwards).
Now that i am in the era of big scary words n information i need to remember or else somebody dies (everytime a prof said it in class, i'd hear one of the Disney's wicked witches laugh....brrrr) Anyway since im in the medical field ill let u in on how we remember our stuff.... Mind you most of them are textbook, Some may seem highly perverted but well 'happy realisation people' that apparently whats been working over the years! :)

For the weak hearted, can-be-scandalized lot, Don't judge the medical guys alright, we need to make up stuff like this for the amount n the precision with which we need to remember it all :)

My first few classes of Anatomy were dreadful.. one PG would walk in holding a tiny bone and he'd point out to tiny lines n ridges n holes on the bone which some evil genius actually named.... i still remember the 3rd class on 'Humerus' was anything but HUMOUROUS, cos we'd reached our frustration thresholds by then n were almost on the verge of pulling our hair out.....
Thats when we decided to make up stuff (if there wasn already one) that helped us remember those irregularities and the other big words that'd come our way then on...

Suprascapular notch............Superman's Torch

Subscapular Ridge......... Subrahmaniam's Fridge

Anastomosis........... An ass and two more tits (used to be dicks.. but then tits sounded better)

Triamcinolone....... Try Amy, sin alone

Amantidine...... A man to dine

Tranylcypromine...... try Neil see Praveen (kinda disgusting cos we had a neil and a praveen in class.. both of which we dint 'try'...... by WE i mean my immediate circle of friends)

Floxacycline..... Fucks her cycling. (obv the guys in class came up with it...humph men!)

Axillary artery branches (Sup thoracic, Thoraco-acr, Lat th, sub scap, Ant circumflex hum, Post C H)................ Screw The Lawyer Save A Patient.

Throacic duct btw Azygous n esophagous.......... A duck btw 2 gooses.

Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major (thats how they're attached the arm bone)........ Lady btw Two Majors.

Gracilis between Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus........... Girl btw two Surgeons

Brachial Plexus branches (lat to med) "Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Radial, Median, Ulnar nerves"........... My Aunt Raped My Uncle.

Penis Autonomic innervation action............. Parasympathetic points it up, Sympathetic spurts it out.

Spermatic Cord contents (Pampiniform plexus, ductus deferens, cremasteric artery....ok do u really wanna knw it all?)............ Piles Don't Contribute To A Good Sex Life.

Kreb's cycle components (Citrate, Isocitrate, alphaKetoglutarate, Succinate co-a, Succinate, Fumarate, Malate, Oxaloacetate)............ Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money, Officer? (saved me in first yr... i hated biochemistry)

Impalpable Apex Beat (differential diagnosis).......... DOPE (dextrocardia, obesity, pericarditis/pneumothorax, emphysema, scoliosis/ sinus inversus)

Heart Attack therapy............. "O BATMAN!!!" (oxygen, beta blocker, ASA, thrombolitics, morphine, ACE inhib, Nitrocycline)

Venturi Mask colours n their corresponding Oxygen delivery capacity:
blue (24%), white(28%), orange(31%), yellow(35%), red(40%), green(60%)
.................Boys Want Only Young Rowdy Girls (was my final university Viva question... :D)

Placenta crossing diseases (TOxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Herpes simple/zoster/HepB,C,E; Syphillis)............TORCHeS...

Cerebellar deep nuclei (dentate, emboliform, globose, fastigial)............ Do Eat Good Food.

the 12 cranial nerves (olfactory, optic, occulomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, Vestibulo-cochlear, glossoph, vagus, sp.Accessory, hypoglossal)............... "Oooh O
Oooh ooh To Touch And Feel Virgin Girl's Vagina and Hymen" ..................[personally i think this is disgusting but we all needed this to remember the blasted nerves :(]

Crutch Training (walking on stairs, which leg to put first)........... Good to heaven (ascending) and Bad to Hell (descending).

Carpal bones (lat to med...Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hammate).......... She Looks Too Pretty Try To Catch Her.... ofcourse some of us prefer "Scared Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot Handle" :D

Ok now these two very important:
What to do when one faints............. "If face is red lift the head, if face is pale lift the tail"

Stroke symptom recognition (self check...very imp...remember).... FAST

F -> Face (uneven smile, droop, vision)
A-> Arms n legs (heaviness***, numbness...esp if its on one side of the body only)
S-> Speech (slurred, inability to talk.. tongue feels heavy)

Ok alright..Phew! that was like 4 years of my life in one post..... ofcourse there r many more, most i can only recollect the mnemonics now not the stuff inside :P (Hey anybody know what JHANDU BAM stands for??? its gotten something to do with Failure of wound healing i think..)


Vimal said...


my respect for doctors just went up a couple of notches!

Descorpio said...

Hehe.. When I did Bio in 12th our teacher gave us the 'clean' version to remember the cranial nerves.. It was ' ooh ooh ooh, to touch and feel a girls visage' and hypoglossal.. He'd also said then that we'd learn a different version if we went to medical school!

Messy Miracle said...

:D :D :D :D :D girls visage n hypoglossal :D :D :D sure is the clean version.. hehe.